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180 Years of History

During the first half of the Nineteenth Century, our building was known as “The Free Church” because it was used by all the different Christian groups in Middleburg.  Each year, these four congregations all come \”home\” for the Homecoming celebration.  These churches who shared in \”The Free Church\” are:  Shiloh Baptist Church, Middleburg; Middleburg Methodist Church; Aldie Presbyterian Church and the local Middleburg Baptist.

The Middleburg Baptist Church eventually became the sole owners, custodians and users of this property. Today, although the pulpit platform has been lowered and a choir loft and new baptistry added, this church looks very much as it did when worshippers gathered here over one hundred and sixty-five years ago. Some of the hand-hewn pews are still in the balcony, much of the original glass remains in the windows and two inner side doors retain the iron hardware of the period. The building is constructed of locally fired brick and sits on a lovely hill surrounded by cemeteries on three sides with a stone wall and a parking lot in the front. In 1959, an educational wing was added to enhance the congregation’s ministry of Christian education.

Middleburg Baptist Church was founded 27 April 1847.  We currently have a relationship with Northstar Church Network, the Baptist General Association of Virginia, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Southern Baptist Convention and the Baptist World Alliance. We are thankful for our rich heritage as we fashion a ministry to speak to the needs of people today.